Monday, July 9, 2012

In general conference we get an annual report. Such has been the pattern for many years. Below is one such report for the two conferences that made up Tennessee for the year 1898. Membership was small at the time, just over a thousand.

East Tenn Mid Tenn Total
High Priests                -                  -                 -  
Seventies               38               36              74
Elders                  4                 8              12
Priests                  7                 7              14
Teachers                -                   1                 1
Deacons                -                   1                 1
Members             232             427            659
Total Officers & Members             281             480            761
Children of Record (COR)               94             158            252
Total Souls             375             638        1,013
Baptized               29               52              81
Baptized COR                  4                -                   4
Received                -                  -                 -  
Received COR                  7                -                   7
Blessed               42               48              90
Removed                -                 13              13
Removed COR                -                  -                 -  
Died                -                   8                 8
Died COR                  1                 2                 3
Excommunicated                  1                -                   1
Miles Walked       49,881       44,883      94,764
Families Visited       48,421       84,305    132,726
Families Revisited         5,324         8,368      13,692
Rejected Testimonies         8,542             602        9,144
Refused Entertainment         3,708         1,118        4,826
Tracts Distributed       91,244       62,487    153,731
Books Distributed         4,381         3,186        7,567
Meetings Held         9,278         8,111      17,389
Gospel Conversations       20,782       87,701    108,483
Gospel Letters         1,088             519        1,607
Sunday Schools organized                -                   8                 8
Branches Organized                  4                -                   4

I believe that the number of branches and Sunday schools only includes the number organized during that year. Though, because of emigration, there might not have been any branches left in Middle Tennessee by 1898. In addition, the majority of the Seventies listed were likely the missionaries at the time. Does anyone reading this know when the practice of ordaining missionaries as Seventies changed?


Amy T said...

Wow. That's a lot of tracts. Were the missionaries funding the tracts, or the Church, or did they sell them?

I think most missionaries were seventies back then, weren't they? When did that change? Good question! (Which means I don't know. : )

Bruce said...

It is a lot of tracts. There are several examples of missionaries buying John Morgan's tracts in the 1880's. I can't say if that was still the practice when these stats were collected. But I seem to recall an earlier stat being listed as "Books Sold" vs this reference to "Books Distributed"