Monday, January 25, 2016

Visit After Thirteen Years

[In the February 1916 issue of the Improvement Era we read that] Elders Avard Washburn and James Baron, Chattanooga, Tenn., November 10, [1915] write expressing their thanks to the Lord for the wonderful progress experienced in 'the East Tennessee conference: "Seve[r]al baptisms were reported last month. The elders recently returned from a ten days' trip through James, Meig[s] and Lo[u]don counties, being the first elders to visit that part of the country for over thirteen years. To some extent the old spirit of prejudice exists, but the people are rapidly laying it aside. We distributed a goodly number of tracts and held a number of meetings. Several people expressed surprise at the plainness and simplicity of the gospel as taught by the Latter-day Saints. We relied on the hospitality of the people for our daily necessities, and with few exceptions were kindly cared for and treated with respect."

"We thank the publishers of the IMPROVEMENT Era for sending the magazine to us. It is one of our best friends in the mission field. We anxiously await its coming each month, and enjoy its excellent topics and instructions." —
Elders Avard Washburn and James Baron, Chattanooga, Tenn.

1 comment:

Ardis said...

Knowing you would be the first in a number of years to go through any part of that region must have always called for a little extra bit of courage.