Monday, March 2, 2015

Tracts and Pamphlets 1943

[This unattributed, undocumented story comes from East Tennessee. Sadly there were no names, no places, no dates. (other than 1943) and so we are left with a feel good tale that may or may not have really happened. -BAllen]

Circumstances leading to the baptism of our people are always interesting in that they reveal the hand of the Lord toward His people. This is graphically portrayed in the following story.

A few years ago, a family of Saints moved from their farms by the T. V. A.'s extensive system in East Tennessee, settled in an area where the Church was not too widely known. Visits from the missionaries were infrequent due to the remoteness of the area. Realizing this, the family kept on hand tracts and pamphlets and the various publications of the Church. While they were building their home and clearing the land, they rented a house that was to play a very important part in the life of the community.

Upon completion of their home, the members left the rented house and in it quite intentionally, a number of tracts and pamphlets.

Later the farm and home was sold to a school teacher. The new family, finding the literature, read it with more than casual interest; for they were affiliated with none of the religious sects. Being impartial, they realized the truth of the things read.

They recognized the need of baptism; but who had the authority was the question in their minds. They at one time, decided to let a certain elderly gentleman, a morally righteous man, perform the ceremony, and were about to approach him on the subject when his life was taken during an electrical storm.

The family continued to receive information from the family of Saints and in due time read the Book of Mormon and accepted it as the truth.

Word reached the family of Saints that the Elders were coming to hold a weeks meeting with them. The word, was spread through the community and the investigating family was present at all of the meetings. It was the first time they had lieard the Gospel nrpiched as restored in the latter day and they asked for baptism. Using the words of the father of the family, we realize a little more fully the meaning the Gospel should hold for us all, "We have waited twenty-five years for this "

Now a flourishing Home Sunday School of thirty members meets each Sunday where many other non-members are also investigating. Plans for a chapel are also being discussed.

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