Monday, June 9, 2014

MHA Conference

I returned last night from a driving tour from Tennessee to Texas and back. Besides being tired and a little sore from 28 hours in the car, I am also excited. I met new people with whom I share interests - not through efforts of my own, but because people I already knew made a point of introducing me to their friends. I also me in person people I had been "talking" with online.

I also had the chance to live tweet the sessions I attended. I had not intended to live tweet at first, but once I started I found it hard to stop. You can find them on my Twitter account. (See the side bar on the left)


Christopher said...

Thanks for your tweets, Bruce. If you get a chance, I (and I imagine the folks at MHA) would be very interested in a fuller report of your experience -- what you liked, didn't like, etc. about the conference.

Edje said...

It was good to meet you in meatspace.

Bruce said...

An excellent idea. I have been putting some things together, and hope to post something soon.

Likewise. That is perhaps the bet part of all (both) MHA conference I have been to.